11.1.3 Tool Storage


In the WWSL blog post Work Spaces I discussed the given and druthers for my modeling space. Here I am going to discuss the tool storage specifics.

Given and Druthers

Tools consolidated based on project requirements. Tool bins appropriate for the project I'm working on.

Tool Storage 

I took three approaches to tool storage. 

1. I have a tool storage area for large tools such as the mini table saw, the belt and disk sander, the two drill presses, and other larger tools as the project requires.

2. I have clear plastic bins for those tools that are project specific but are rarely used.

3. I have tool stations for tools that I use regularly. They need a place near the workbench for handy access.

Tool storage area

I recycled a work bench that was left in the basement when I purchased the house. It fitted nicely under the stairwell. The top of the work bench is great for storage of the stand alone tools, and can easily be moved to the project table located in front of the stairwell work bench. There is a 6 outlet power bar to support tool use.

Tool bins

I have two types of tool bins, tool drawers and clear plastic bins. The drawers are for those tools that rarely needed, or are construction/maintenance tools for the benchwork or house projects. The clear plastic bins are for those tools than may be needed elsewhere on the layout area and the bin makes it easier to organize and carry.

3 drawer tool storage unit


 vertical tool bins

The drawer unit is a 4 sided box that were made from excess chipboard sized for the three drawers salvaged from a dresser that was put out for the garbage. 

The vertical tool bins are 5 sided boxes made from excess chipboard sized for the three storage containers.

Tool Stations

Tool Station storage location
When I first started, workbench organization was everything not needed on the layout went on the bench. Tools were organized as one part of the workbench.

One of the lessons learned from my internet search was the idea that tools should be handy on the workbench for the specific project at hand. But not every tool on the workbench at the same time.

Fortunately I had the foresight to put the workbench next to the set tubs. I only need one set tub for water,etc so I've used a piece of plywood sized for the top of the set tub to put my workbench tools. I dont know how many tool stations I'm going to build (see 11.1.7 Tool Stations for details) but in the meantime I DO have a location built for their storage !

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