Sunday, December 25, 2022

Section 12 - Tunnel 1 - Part 2

In the last blog (Section 12 - Tunnel 1 - Part 1) I identified the layout design elements of the Tunnel 1 Section and laid out the roadway lines. 

In this blog I am identifying the scenery construction concept and laying out the landforms.

Scenery Design Considerations


Sky, Clouds. There is 1 backdrop 22 inches in height. It will be a simple backdrops- a clear blue sky suggesting a sunny day. 


Ridge. The terrain at the North Portal will be consistent with the Polson Canyon ridge line. There is a more moderate slope along the west face of the ridge. 

Here is the generic photograph of the southern part of Polson Canyon as it approaches the the North Portal of Tunnel 1.  

On this section, I continued the construction of the Polson Canyon ridge line with the 2 inch styrofoam. The ridge should be at least 3x the height of the train to provide a reason for the curvature of the main line thru the river valley. Using 2 inch styrofoam insulation, this would make the rock faces at least 7 inches high with the maximum height of 11 inches for the ridge at the rear of the section.  Additional height of the ridge can be painted on the backdrop.  See 5.5.6 Mountains and 5.5.5 Rock Faces for construction details.


The tunnel is sited through an enlarged saddle with basalt rock walls on both sides. The possibility of rock spalling due to steam engine smoke stack exhaust requires timber tunnel lining. No additional engineering is required within the tunnel area. 

Tunnel Portal The terrain at South Portal will be a basalt cliff face with a concrete portal. I will use 3/4 inch styrofoam and hydrocal plaster to model the rock shelves and will use matte medium and modge podge for the waterfalls and creek. See xxxxxxx for construction details.

Embankment. An embankment with a dry creek bed comes down the moderate hillside to the eastern river riverbank. Again, I have selectively compressed the AREA standard 60 degree angle to 45 degrees from the edge of the roadbed to the river bottom. This allows a greater river bank edge along the fascia. See 5.5.3 Embankments for construction details.



Several streams and dry creekbeds will drain from the ridge line toward the river meandering along the the fascia.

Once the basic land form as completed, it will be covered with Sculptamold on the flats and hydrocal plaster on the slopes. Flat areas will have some degree of undulation will be covered with sculptamold. 

Ground Cover

1. Far ground cover on hills and ridges will be modeled with teased and dyed felt. See for construction details.

Near ground cover along the right of way will be a variety of dead, summer and early fall grass colors.


The hill and ridge land forms will maintain a denser growth of second growth conifers, dead trees, stumps and bushes, indications of previous logging activities 

The embankments will have a heavy growth of shrubs and bushes, with growth along at the river's edge. See 5.7.1 Shrubs

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Section 12 - Tunnel 1 - Part 1

Its time to layout the Section 12 - Tunnel 1 section. The layout design given and druthers of this section is identified in Station 12 - Tunnel 1.

North Portal
South Portal






 Design Elements

Tunnel 1 is the lower reach of the Polson Canyon river valley. The right of way tunnels through the ridge line paralleling the Satsop River and approaches the Olympic Peninsula Logging Company sawmill.

This Section consist of one section and consists of  layout design elements (from geographic north to south):

  1. A single track main line from Polson Canyon to Sawmill.
  2. A single track tunnel. 
  3. An abandoned OPLC logging line crossing the WWSL main line.
  4. A turnout off the WWSL main line to the OPLC main line and industry complex.
  5. A 90 foot turntable owned by the OPLC in support of the Sawmill operations.

Section Construction

This section is a turnback curve portion of the WWSL layout. It is approximately 5 foot wide by 42 inches in depth (restriction due to lolly post).  It follows standard section construction, except it has three 1x3 girders The two ends of the section are cut out to permit attachment of the module electrical connectors and section interface bolts. See the WWSL section construction reference page for the construction technique.

ROW Design Considerations 

The most critical design considerations on this section is curvature of the main line. The turnback curve section width is 60 inches. Technical specification is a minimum 4 inches between track and the edge of the fascia. This restricts the turnback curve to 48 inches (24 inch radius).

Because this section ties into both the Section 11 - Sawmill and the Section 13 - Polson Canyon, some layout of those sections will need to be done at the same time, primarily the main line locator at the southern-most Polson Canyon curve (6 inches from the fascia ) and the WWSL and OPLC main lines at Sawmill  (4.5 inches from the fascia).

2. Curved track within a tunnel is generally rare, but not unheard of, in the prototype. It is more common in railroad modeling layout design. The location of the tunnel and the restrictive view minimizes the suggestion of a curve within the tunnel. 

I have located the main line at the tunnel entrance 7 inches from the fascia. This allows me to model some portion of the ridge on the outermost side of the tunnel complex. It also allows for removal of part of the fascia to access the tunnel for cleaning and (god forbid!) re-railing errant rolling stock. I'm thinking clear plastic/lexane so that visitors can see the prototype engineering and construction technique used in building the tunnel. This allows 10 inches clearance at the Tunnel 1 - Polson Canyon and Tunnel 1 - Sawmill connections for turnout placement.

Laying out Right of Way

I am not going to go into great detail about putting down the roadbed lines. See the Right of Way Reference Page  for the details if you haven't had the fun to do it before. 

Essentially you're going to follow this process: 

  1. Lay out the main line curves. It is a simple 24 inch turnback curve.
  2. Lay out the tunnel template.
  3. Lay out the north and south tunnel portals. 
  4. Layout the northern switch to the OPLC main line and sawmill complex. 
  5. Layout the turntable approach track from the sawmill yard and spurs.
  6. Generally locate the turntable location. 

    Laying out the Turnout

    A turnout is required to connect the WWSL main line with the OPLC main line, arrival/departure track, yard lead track and and industrial spurs.

    Laying the track.  Tunnel 1 Roadway is WWSL Medium Profile Roadway. See  Modeling Technique for Medium Profile Roadway for details. See 4.2.3 Laying Straight Track and 4.2.4 Laying Curve Track for construction details.

    Laying out the Structures 

    Tunnel 1. There are three parts to a tunnel, the tunnel portal, the tunnel bore, and the tunnel lining. See 4.1.10 Tunnels for basic tunnel engineering information.

    North Portal

    North Portal
    The North Portal will be a re-creation of the Homestake Pass MT, west portal, NP Tunnel #5. It has a timber portal and a rock slide shed I will represent the latter with a timber tunnel lining and a timber rock shed that extends from the portal. 
    See Tunnel N1 North Portal for construction details. 
    See Tunnel N1 Rock Shed for construction details.


    Tunnel Bore

    The tunnel differs slightly from the traditional tunnel in that it has an additional height due to the electrified zone. The drainage profile will differ as well. The fascia will be removable to allow viewing of the interior. See Tunnel N1 Tunnel Liner for construction details.

    Southern Portal  

    South Portal

    The south tunnel entrance will be a re-creation of the April 2002 Mainline Modeler cover photo.  

    The rock wall will be constructed with vertical 1 and 2 inch styrofoam insulation with a rock casting overlay.

    I will represent the latter with a concrete portal. See See Tunnel N1 South Portal for construction details.

    MOW. There will be a section tool house and tunnel inspection car pull off.



     In the next blog (Section 12 - Tunnel 1 - Part 2) I will discuss the Landform Design Considerations.