On January 1, 2021 I wrote a blog page Purpose, Goals and Objectives 2021 indicating my goals for the year. I didnt quite get there - for a variety of reasons. Covid was running rampant and a couple of my property mainagement / general contracting buddies were in need of help covering for employees sick or in quarentine.
the four short term goals, I managed to complete ZERO. I didnt get there. I did think that once September hit and the train shows were starting back I was going to get to the layout, I ended up doing much of nothing.
I did however get a good bit
accomplished on the website ..... something i didnt list as a goal, but
should have. It takes longer to type than to do .... and I'm going to do
more doing than typing as time goes on.
A summary of my year is below, followed by some brief thoughts on my year and the hobby:
Projects Completed in 2021
- I spent a number of hours armchair modeling and consolidating my thoughts on track design and specific operation and scenery I wanted to replicate.
- The
blog has been updated and some 28+ posts have been published. 100 pages have
been designed and some 50 have been completed. The remainder are in
various stages of completion.
2022 goals.
Let's try this again!
I want the trackwork completed from Tunnel 2 to Reload. I want to
complete 16 square feet of at least one signature scene within 6 months
with the remainder with basic scenery in place. I want enough track from
WWSL 2.0 relaid to new design and construction standards and at least
some trains running in 6 to 9 months.
STG#2: I want the trackwork from Melbourne to Wickwood relaid to new design and construction standards and at least some
trains running in 6 to 9 months.