Sunday, January 24, 2021

Station 10 - Headquarters Jct


WWSL 1st Subdivision

Headquarters Jct (HQ) is the third station on WWSL's 1st Subdivision. located at Mile Post xx.

History. Headquarters Junction was the primary mainline between the Olympic Peninsula Logging Company's Camp 1 and its sawmill operations at OPLC. When the OPLC spun off the WWSL (see OPLC Company History) the OPLC kept the original main line and the WWSL bypassed that portion of the original line by building a new main line.


WWSL operates on WWSL main track. 

OPLC trains move from Camp 1 to OPLC (Sawmill) on OPLC main track.  There is one spur on the OPLC main line. It is the former line to Camp 3. It is now used for ash disposal from WWSL power company clients.

Design. I got this idea from an article in the Railroad Model Craftsman. Historically, the WWSL assumed all OPLC trackage from Brady to Camp 1, and from the sawmill at OPLC north (originally to Camp 9 with trackage rights to OPLC.) It simplifies dispatching on the WWSL main line by reducing OPLC trains from 6 to 3 daily, and eliminates dispatching of light engines to OPLC servicing facilities.

Track Diagram


  • OPLC main line is at OPLC relaxed standards. 
  • WWSL main line is at WWSL relaxed standards.
  • A timber trestle for the OPLC main line.
  • A timber trestle for the WWSL main line.

Scenery. Scenery is inspired from a couple of pictures gathered from various sites.

  • Background is bright blue sky and far and near trees.
  • Mid ground is level with field grass and scrub bushes etc.
  • Near ground is level with gravel road and drainage.












  • (C) WWSL main line will be wired. OPLC main line will not be wired.

Structures. The following structures are anticipated:

  • A headquarters building for OPLC lumber operations.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Station 9 - OPLC Camp 1


WWSL 1st Subdivision

History. Logging Companies operated in the first half of the 20th Century with lumber camps located near their leased lands and cutting sites. These locations


The Olympic Peninsula Logging Company maintains OPLC Logging Camp #1 approximately 10 miles north of Brady, WA. At this location the Logging Company has steam engine servicing facilities, a logging camp consisting of cooking and dining facilities, housing and recreation facilities, a two track log reloading facility, and an interchange track with the WWSL. 

The WWSL has a main track with passing siding and shares the interchange track with the OPLC. The WWSL main line parallels the OPLC main line along Camp 1.

Design Considerations.

I wanted this module to replicate two aspects of logging railroad operations: a small steam locomotive servicing facility, and a 1930's logging camp.I also wanted this module to be the interchange point between the OPLC and the WWSL. I needed a passing track for WWSL trains on the Northern Division.

Track Plan

(place holder)

Right of Way. 

  • OPLC Main Track - Class B with relaxed standards
  • OPLC Secondary Track - Class C with relaxed standards
  • WWSL main line - Class B with relaxed standards
  • WWSL Secondary Track Class C with relaxed standards


  • Backdrop. Sky Blue.
  • Far Scenery. Hilly terrain with 2nd growth forest
  • Mid Scenery. Logging Camp parallel to OPLC right of way
  • Near Scenery. WWSL main line and passing track


  • WWSL main line and passing track is wired. 
  • WWSL interchange track is non-wired.
  • OPLC tracks are non-wired.
Locomotives. See 8.8 Locomotives - Olympic Peninsula Logging Company

  • OPLC operates oil fired 0-4-0T, 0-6-0T and 2-8-0 steam locomotives.

Rolling Stock. See 9.4 Rolling Stock - Olympic Peninsula Logging Company
  • Enginehouse
  • Turntable
  • Steam engine servicing facility
  • Camp administrative buildings
  • Camp cooking and dining facilities
  • Camp housing facilities
  • Lumber reload yard

Friday, January 1, 2021

Purpose, Goals and Objectives 2021

On January 1, 2020 I wrote a blog page Purpose, Goals and Objectives 2020 indicating my goals for the year. I didnt quite get there - for a variety of reasons.

Of the four short term goals, I managed to complete two: STG#1 and STG#4, both construction oriented goals. STG#2 and STG#3 were track-laying and base scenic goals. I didnt get there. I did however get a good bit accomplished on the website ..... something i didnt list as a goal, but should have. It takes longer to type than to do .... and I'm going to do more doing than typing as time goes on. 

A summary of my year is below, followed by some brief thoughts on my year and the hobby:

Projects Completed in 2020

  • Room preparation  (ceiling, lighting, electrical and carpeting) is done with the exception of the workbench and crew lounge area ammenities.
  • Benchwork and backdrop construction is done with the exception of the helix.
  • Valence construction is done.
  • Layout lighting is done. 
  • Under the layout storage is done. 
  • The blog has been designed and 73 posts have been published. 130 pages have been designed and some 30 have been completed. The remainder are in various stages of completion.

2021 goals. 

STG#1: I want the trackwork completed from Tunnel 2 to Reload. I want to complete 16 square feet of at least one signature scene within 6 months with the remainder with basic scenery in place. I want enough track from WWSL 2.0 relaid to new design and construction standards and at least some trains running in 6 to 9 months.

STG#2:  I want the trackwork from Melbourne to Wickwood relaid to new design and construction standards and at least some trains running in 6 to 9 months.

STG#3. I want three trains (locomotives and rolling stock) built to Tan Standards and running on the the above modules by the end of the year.