Office of the General Manager
100 Railroad Avenue
Monetesano, Washington
CIRCULAR NUMBER: 8.5 DATE: January 1, 1955
President and General Manager ___________________________________________________________________________________
Prototype Information
Next behind come the cars loaded with rails, then the car carrying fipikes, bolts and ;;plicl'l'. an<l aftPr that the cars loarled with ties. Behind the ties should be put the fuel car, if curried, and behind this the locomotive, turned backwards to the direction in which the work is pro gressing. It i,hould be provided with sand pipes which can be used when running in either direction. In any case the fuel should be next to the tenclcr, and the water car next to it, if needed and provided with a he tender, and the water car next to it, with a piece of hose long enough to reach the tender around the fuel car. \There atreams are plentiful along the route the water car may be dispensed with by providing a steam siphon for the locomotive. The locomotive should be the heaviest one available, especially if track is to be laid on mountain grades. On work of considerable magnitude it usually pays to have a blacksmith, with a car carrying a portable set of tools, arrompany the outfit train, and if the contractor,, do a mercantile business with their employees there are store cars also, carrying supplies of workmen's clothing, provisions, tobacco, etc.
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