Circular 3.4 Track Signals

Western Washington Short Line
Office of the General Manager
100 Railroad Avenue
Monetesano, Washington

CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3.4                                                                 DATE: January 1, 1955



President and General Manager

This circular explains the Time Table components in detail. When you complete this tutorial you should have a good working knowledge of timetable operation.


7. Ready for use.‑‑Employes whose duties may require them to give signals must provide themselves with the proper appliances, keep them in good order and ready for immediate use.

 8. Prescribed Signals.‑‑Signals of prescribed color and type (flags, or lights when so prescribed) must be used by day, and lights of prescribed color and type by night.

9. Night and Day Signals.‑‑Day signals must be used from sunrise to sunset, but when day signals cannot be plainly seen night signals must be used in addition. Night signals must be used from sunset to sunrise, .


10(g). Temporary Speed Restriction Signs.‑‑Unless otherwise provided by train order or general order, temporary speed restriction signs (yellow flags, lights or reflectorized signs) and resume speed signs (green flage, lights or reflectorized signs) will be placed in both directions by Maintenance of Way employes when it is necessary to require trains and engines temporarily to reduce speed over any structure or portion of track.

Temporary speed restrictions signs will be placed two miles, or farther if necessary, from the point where the restricted track begins;  except in territory where the maximum speed is 45 miles per hour or less, such signs will be placed one mile, or farther if necessary , from the point where the restricted track begins.

When so displayed, trains and engines must not exceed 10 miles per hour, unless otherwise directed by train order or general order.

The speed prescribed must be maintained until rear of train has passed resume speed sign.

Resume speed signs will be placed at end of restriction.

Where two or more tracks are in service, each track affected mist be protected in both directions the same as if it were single track.

When restricted track is near a terminal or junction point, and distance does not permit temporary speed restriction sign is to be displayed as required by the rules, restricted track must be protected by flagman until foreman is advised that restriction is protected by train order or general order. Temporary  speed restriction sign will be displayed as for from restriction as possible, but not farther than the first switch through which train leaves the terminal, and not beyond clearance at junction point. The location of such signs so placed will be stated in the train order or general order.

10(h). Permanent Speed Restriction Signs.‑‑ Permanent speed restriction signs as prescribed in special instructions will be placed a sufficient distance in advance of the point where speed restrictions become effective.

Figures on the face of these signs denote the maximum speed for trains and engines over track protected by such signs, except, lower speeds prescribed by rules, train order, general order, or special instructions, will govern.

Where two sets of figures are shown, the higher figures govern passenger trains and the lower figures govern other trains and engines.

A prescribed resume speed sign will be placed at the point where restriction ends, and, unless otherwise provided, the prescribed speed restriction must be maintained until the entire train has passed the resume speed sign.

The track protected by such signs is defined as the territory between the two resume speed signs governing in opposing directions.

10(i). Condition Stop Signs.

(1). When Form U train order is in effect, an unattended red sign reading, "CONDITIONAL STOP," will be displayed 1,000 feet in advance of where main track is obstructed or impassable. Trains must approach prepared to stop short of this sign unless the engineer is orally authorized to proceed beyond this sign by foreman in charge of work, or a proceed signal with a green flag or light is received. A yellow sign reading, "PROCEED PREPARED TO STOP," will be displayed two miles in advance of red sign.

A green resume speed sign will be displayed to the right of each track at the limit of restriction. Low Speed must not be exceeded through the territory named in the order unless a different speed is orally authorized by foreman in charge. Prescribed speed will not be exceeded until entire train has passed the resume speed sign.

A train or engine within limits of a Form U train order at effective time of order, must not proceed unless orally authorized by foreman in charge of work, or a proceed signal with green flag or light is received.

Where "PROCEED PREPARED TO STOP' and "CONDITIONAL STOP" signs are displayed, they must be respected even through no Form U train order is held. Where a Form U train order is in effect and the "CONDITIONAL STOP" sign is not displayed, or when "PROCEED PREPARED TO STOP" sign is displayed and no Form U train order is in effect, stop must be made at location where "CONDITIONAL STOP" sign should be located, and train must not proceed  until orally authorized or receives a proceed signal with a green flag or light.

Before orally authorizing train to proceed, foreman must inform the engineer the maximum speed permitted over the restricted track.

Oral authorization and acknowledgment between foremen and engineers for trains to pass "CONDITIONAL STOP" signs must be made in the manner prescribed by form shown in special instructions.

Where the term "foreman" is used in these rules, general orders, special instructions, and Form U train orders, it will also apply to the employe in charge of work.

Where switching or work is ;to be performed, where it is necessary to pass the "CONDITIONAL STOP" sign several times, engineer must have an understanding with foreman in charge of work, as to work to be performed, limits, and time his train or engine may work within these limits.

When restricted track is less than two miles from terminal or junction point and distance  does not permit "PROCEED PREPARED TO STOP" sign to be displayed as required by the rules, sign will be displayed as for as possible from "CONDITIONAL STOP" sign but not farther than the first switch through which train leaves the terminal and not beyond the clearance at junction point. The location of such yellow sign so placed must be designated by train order.

(2). Effective only where authorized by special instructions.‑‑"CONDITIONAL STOP", PROCEED PREPARED TO STOP" and resume speed signs may be used for protection when displayed as prescribed by Rule 10(i) (1) without the use of form U train order. Foreman in charge of work will place tow torpedoes one fourth mile in advance of the "PROCEED PREPARED TO STOP" signs in both directions. After the main track has been cleared for a train, main track must not again be fouled until torpedoes have been replaced.

Trains and engines must not proceed beyond the "CONDITIONAL STOP" sign until the engineer is orally authorized to proceed beyond the stop sign by foreman in charge of work, or a proceed signal with a green flag or light is received. A speed of 10 miles per hour must not be exceeded until entire train has passed the resume speed sign unless a different speed is orally authorized by foreman in charge.

Oral authorization and acknowledgment between foreman and engineer for trains to pass "CONDITIONAL STOP" sign must be made in manner prescribed by form shown in special instructions.

10(j). Stop Signs.‑‑When Form X, Stop Order is in effect, train or engine finding a red flag or red light will stop before reaching the red flag or red light and will not proceed until orally authorized by foreman in charge.

10(k). Unattended Red Flag or Light.‑‑Other than as provided in rules 10(i) and 10 (j), when an unattended red flag or red light is displayed near the track and there is no one there to explain, train or engine, after stopping, must be preceded for a distance of one mile from point where signal is displayed , by a flagman, who must carefully examine track and structures for defects.

A signal so displayed will not apply to the track on which train or engine is running if displayed beyond the first rail of an adjoining track.

When an unattended red flag or red light is found between the rails of any track other than main track,, train or engine must stop, and not proceed until flag or light has been removed by an employee of the c lass that placed it there.

11. Fusee Signals.‑‑A train or engine finding a fusee burning on or near its track must stop. After stopping, train or engine will then proceed at restricted Speed for a safe flagging distance

Where there is sufficient sight distance, or where there are torpedoes or other restrictive signals a sufficient distance in advance, stop  must be made before leading wheels pass the burning fusee and movements must not be made over burning fusee.

The requirements of the first two paragraphs of this rule will not apply to an unattended burning fusee:

(1) When displayed beyond both rails of an adjoining main track.

(2) When a train or engine is moving on other than a main track, unless found between the rails of such track.

On single track, fusees should be placed or dropped on the shoulder of track on the engineer's side; on two main tracks, on the outside or field side.

Burning fusees must not be placed on road crossings or bridges, nor where fire can be communicated to structures or cars, when left unattended.

11(a). Torpedo Signals.‑‑Torpedoes must be placed on the rail 150 feet apart on engineer's side. They must not be placed on public crossings, nor left at places where they may cause injury.

The explosion of two torpedoes is a signal to immediately reduce speed and proceed for a safe flagging distance at reduced Speed.

The explosion of one torpedo will indicate the same as two, but the use of two is required.

Switch Indicators

Main Line







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