Circular 3.2 Engine Horn, Whistle and Bell Signals

Western Washington Short Line
Office of the General Manager
100 Railroad Avenue
Monetesano, Washington

CIRCULAR NUMBER: 3.2                                                                 DATE: January 1, 1955



President and General Manager

This circular explains the Time Table components in detail. When you complete this tutorial you should have a good working knowledge of timetable operation.


 7. Ready for use.‑‑Employes whose duties may require them to give signals must provide themselves with the proper appliances, keep them in good order and ready for immediate use.

8. Prescribed Signals.‑‑Signals of prescribed color and type (flags, or lights when so prescribed) must be used by day, and lights of prescribed color and type by night.

9. Night and Day Signals.‑‑Day signals must be used from sunrise to sunset, but when day signals cannot be plainly seen night signals must be used in addition. Night signals must be used from sunset to sunrise, .

14. Engine Horn or Whistle Signals.‑‑The horn or whistle must be sounded as prescribed by rule or law. Horn or whistle must not be used unnecessarily.

In case of horn or whistle failure, speed must be reduced and bell rung continuously when approaching and passing through stations, yards, over public crossings at grade and around curves.

NOTE.‑‑The signals prescribed are illustrated by "o" for short sounds; "‑" for longer sounds. The sound of the horn or whistle should be distinct, with intensity and duration proportionate to the distance signal is to be conveyed.


SOUND                                INDICATION


(a) o Apply brakes. Stop.

(b) ‑‑ Release brakes. Proceed. When running, acknowledgment of "calling‑on" indication.

(c) ‑ooo Flagman go back and protect rear of train.

(d) ‑‑‑‑ Flagman may return form south or west, as prescribed by Rule 99.

(e) ‑‑‑‑‑ Flagman may return from north or east, as prescribed by Rule 99.

(g) oo (1) Answer to 14(k) or any signal not otherwise provided for.

(2) Answer to a burning fusee or any other signal indicating stop, except a fixed signal or 16(d).

(h) ooo When standing, back or answer to 12(d), except in continuous switching movements.

When standing, answer to 16(c).

When running, answer to 16(d)

(j) oooo Call for signals.

(k) ‑oo (Single Track) To call attention of engine and train crews of trains of the same class, inferior trains, and yard engines, and of trains at train order meeting or waiting points, to signal displayed for a following section. If not answered by a train , the train displaying signals must stop and ascertain the cause, except where CTC rules are in effect. (Two or More Tracks) To call attention of engine and train crews of trains moving in the same direction and yard engines, to signals displayed for a following section.

(l) ‑‑o‑ Approaching public crossings at grade. Signal must begin at least 20 seconds before reaching crossing. To be prolonged or repeated until crossing occupied. When whistle sign is displayed, signal must begin before reaching sign.

(m) ‑ Approaching stations, junctions, railroad crossings at grade, drawbridges and mail cranes between stations, as may be required.

(n) ‑‑o After passing last station approaching meeting or waiting points. Answer to 16(l). (See rule S‑90.)

(o) o‑ Inspect train line for leak or for brakes sticking.

(p) Succession Alarm for persons or livestock of short on the track. sounds.

(q) ‑o When running on left main track, preceding the signals prescribed by 14(d) and 14(e).

16. Communicating Signals.‑Each car of a passenger train must be connected with the engine by a communicating signal appliance.

When communicating signal appliance becomes inoperative between terminal stations, proper understanding must be had between conductor and  engineer and by them with other members of crew for use of hand signals before proceeding.

NOTE.‑The signal prescribed are illustrated by "o" for short sounds; "‑" for longer sounds. (To obtain desired results, car discharge valve should be opened wide and an interval of from 4 to 6 seconds allowed to elapse between discharges of air.)



SOUND                            INDICATION.


(a) o o When standing‑‑start.

(b) o o When running‑‑stop at once.

(c) o o o When standing‑‑back.

(d) o o o When running‑‑stop at next passenger station.

(e) o o o o When standing‑‑apply or release air brakes.

(f) o o o o When running‑‑reduce speed.

(g) o o o o o When standing‑‑recall flagman.

(h) o o o o o When running‑‑shut off train heat.

j) o o o o o o Increase train heat.

(l)‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ To be sounded by conductor after passing last station approaching meeting or waiting points. This signal must be answered by 14(n).(See Rule S‑90.)

(m) o When running‑‑Look back for hand signal, or to notify engineer train has cleared restricted track, or to notify engineer air brakes have applied and released on rear end in running test.

30. Ringing Bell.‑Except where the momentary stop and start, forward or backward, are a continuous switching movement, the engine bell must be rung when an engine is about to move, and while approaching and passing public crossings at grade, stations, and through tunnels.


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