Ted Cullota's Essential freight cars

Ted Culotta's series of articles in Railroad Model Craftsman called Essential Freight Cars. The (primarily) detailed cars that he felt should be represented on nearly every post-war/transition-era layout. 

Ted's list and the article publication dates are here. Those cars of particular interest to the WWSL are highlighted in bold face 

No. Title Year
- War Emergency gons August-01
1 St. Louis-San Francisco single sheathed boxcar April-03
2 Great Northern's 1937 double-sheathed boxcars May-03
3 Milwaukee Road's single-sheathed boxcars June-03
4 NP's 10000-series double-sheathed boxcars July-03
5 Cotton Belt's double-sheathed boxcars August-03
6 Southern Pacific's single-sheathed boxcars September-03
7 Chicago & North Western's single-sheathed boxcars October-03
8 CN's 1929 single-sheathed boxcars November-03
9 Canadian Pacific's minibox January-04
10 CB&Q's XM-25/26 class boxcars February-04
11 Southern Ry. SU class boxcars March-04
12 UTLX class X-3 tank cars May-04
13 UP's B-50-17 rebuilt boxcars steel cars June-04
14 USRA 50-ton single-sheathed boxcars July-04
15 PFE ice-cooled reefers August-04
16 USRA 40-ton September-04
17 Illinois Central single-sheathed automobile cars November-04
18 GSX, AT&SF, Rutland, and NOT&M stock cars December-04
19 New York Central 1916 auto cars January-05
20 QA&P boxcar March-05
21 ARA double-sheathed box and auto cars April-05
22 Alternate ARA single-sheathed boxcars May-05
23.1 Wagon-top and ribbed-side boxcars July-05
23.2 1932 ARA 40-foot steel boxcars September-05
24 Pennsy's R50B express reefer October-05
25 Steam-era gondolas November-05
26 Freight loads for gondolas December-05
27 Pennsylvania's X31 round-roof boxcar January-06
28 Lehigh Valley wrong-way boxcars February-06
29 Ameican & Car Foundry's 1920s wood refrigerator cars April-06
30 Dominion's Fowler patent, single-sheathed boxcars May-06
31 Forty-foot Fowler boxcars June-06
32 Soo Line single-sheathed boxcars July-06
33 Santa Fe's rebuilt USRA reefers August-06
34 NYC USRA-design boxcars October-06
35 The X29 boxcar Pt. I December-06
36 The X29 boxcar Pt. II January-07
37 The B&O's M-26 boxcars April-07
38 Katy's single-sheathed boxcars July-07
39 Wabash/NJI&I SS box cars August-07
40 Early Pullman-Standard PS-1 December-08  

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