3.13 Pen / Uncoupler Holders

Modeling Information

Pen / Uncoupler Holders are used by modelers to protect the railroad roadway and scenery from accidental abuse during switching operations. Pen / Uncoupler Holders are located at each switching location next to the car card rack. 

The holders are made from 1/2 inch plastic tubing found in the plumbing department of the local hardware store. They are cut 4" long and have a plastic base glued to the bottom to prevent the pen, pencil, uncoupler tool from falling out the bottom. 

The tube is spray painted black and hot glued to the side of the Car Card Box.

Uncoupling tools

No matter what your uncoupling system is - ramp, between the track or below the track magnet, etc., there is a possiblity that rolling stock doesn't uncouple properly. Manual uncoupling is then required, and there are a bunch of uncoupling tools available for sale to modelers.

I have preferred to use a very simple, easy to build tool to uncouple rolling stock. It is essentially a brass rod shaped in a Z shape glued into a hole drilled in a 1/4 inch dowel rod. The tool is inserted from the side to move the kadee "air hoses"apart. 

I built a number of these uncoupling tools. I have customized the tool by painting the wood handles with the primary colors of the railroads on the WWSL and located at the appropriate switching locations. 

The colors are: WWSL (gray), OPLC (brown), STC (red), Northern Pacific (green), Milwaukee (orange) and the Union Pacific (yellow).


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