General Order No.1



DATE: January 1, 1955    EFFECTIVE: 12:01 a.m.   ORDER NUMBER: 55-1


A. Employes whose duties are prescribed by these rules must obtain a copy from the proper officer.

Employes whose duties are in any way affected by the time-table must, while on duty, have a copy of the current time-table in their possession.

B. Employes must be conversant with and obey the rules and special instructions. If in doubt as to their meaning they must apply to proper authority for an explanation.

C. Employes must pass the required examinations.

D. Persons employed in any service on trains are subject to the rules and special instructions.

E. Employes must render every assistance in their power in carrying out the rules and special instructions and must report to the proper officer any violation thereof.

F. Accidents, failure in the supply of water or fuel, defects in track, bridges, signals, or any unusual conditions which may affect the movement of trains, must be promptly reported by wire to the proper authority.

G. The use of intoxicants or narcotics is prohibited.

H. The use of tobacco by employes on duty in or about passenger stations, or on passenger cars, is prohibited.

J. Employes on duty must wear the prescribed badge and uniform and be neat In-appearance.

K. To avoid annoyance to the public, employes and others authorized to transact business at stations and on or about trains, must be courteous, orderly and quiet.

L. In case of danger to the Company's property employes must unite to protect it.

M. Employes must exercise care to prevent injury to themselves or others by observing the condition of equipment and the tools which they use in performing their duties and when found defective will, if practicable, put them in safe condition, reporting defects to the proper authority.

They must inform themselves as to the location of structures or obstructions.

They must expect trains to run at any time, on any track, in either direction.

They must not stand on the track in front of an approaching engine or car for the purpose of boarding the same. Employes of the railroads governed by the rules of the Consolidated Code will be governed by the Safety Instructions of the railroad by which they are employed and also when working for their company upon the property of other railroads which are also governed by the rules of the Consolidated Code.

N. Relax! This is not intended to be a stress inducing experience. 





Superintendent of Operations

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