Train Dispatchers Instructions
No. 2
Wednesday, June 13, 1954
These instructions take effect June 13, 1954, superseding all previous instructions inconsistent therewith. They are supplementary to the Consolidated Code of Operating Rules and General Instructions, Edition of 1945.
Section 2 -- Track Warrant Authority
1.1 Authority to Enter TWC Limits. Where designated by the timetable, a track
warrant will authorize main track use under the direction of the train
dispatcher or as prescribed by Rule 6.13 (Yard Limits) or 6.14 (Restricted
Limits). Track warrant instructions must be followed where yard limits or restricted
limits are in effect.
1.2 Designated Limits. Track warrant limits must be designated by specifying
track, where required, and exact points such as switches, mile posts, or
identifiable points. However, station names may be used as follows.
1.2.A. First Named Point.
When a station name designates the first named point, authority extends from
and includes the last siding switch. Authority extends from the station sign if
no siding exists.
1.2.B. Last Named Point.
When a station name designates the last named point, authority extends to and
includes the first siding switch. Authority extends to the station sign if no
siding exists.
At the last named point, authority extends to but does not include the
last siding switch when the track warrant states, "Hold main track at last
named point."
1.3 Operating with Track Warrants. A track warrant authorizes a train or engine to occupy the main track within designated limits. However, the train or engine must not foul a switch at either end of the limits where an opposing train may use the same switch to clear the main track.
The train or engine must move as follows:
- Proceed from one point to another in the direction the track warrant specifies. When a crew member informs the train dispatcher that the entire train has passed a specific point, track warrant authority is considered void up to that point, or .
- If authorized to "WORK BETWEEN" two specific points, the train or engine may move in either direction between those points without flag protection.
1.4 Occupying Same Track Warrant Limits. Only one train can occupy the
same or overlapping limits of a track warrant except when:
- All trains within the limits are authorized to move in the same direction and required to provide flag protection behind the train as specified under Rule 6.19 (Flag Protection). The last train may be relieved of providing flag protection when instructed not to foul the limits ahead of any preceding train.
- A train required to provide flag protection to the rear must report to the train dispatcher when it clears the main track before reaching the last named point, unless a flagman is left to prevent a following train from passing.
- Two or more trains are authorized to "WORK BETWEEN" two
specific points at restricted speed within the overlapping limits, or
- Trains are moving through the limits of another train authorized to "WORK BETWEEN" two specific points, and track warrants have instructed all trains to move at restricted speed within the overlapping limits. Flag protection is not required within these limits. Where track warrant authority includes yard limits or restricted limits, the terms of Rule 6.13 (Yard Limits) or Rule 6.14 (Restricted Limits) apply, but track warrant instructions must be followed.
1.5 Protecting Men or Equipment Men or equipment may receive a track warrant in the same manner as trains to occupy or perform maintenance on the main track without other protection.
A track warrant must not be issued to protect men or equipment within the same or overlapping limits with a train unless:
- All trains are authorized to proceed in one direction only, and the track warrant specifies that men or equipment do not foul limits ahead of these trains,or
- All trains authorized are notified of the men or equipment and have been instructed to move at restricted speed. Also, a track warrant must inform the employee in charge of men or equipment about the trains. If the track is not safe for trains to move at restricted speed, the employee must protect the track with red flags according to Rule 5.4.7 (Display of Red Flag or Red Light).
1.6 Movement Against the Current of Traffic When a track warrant
authorizes a train to move against the current of traffic, the train must use
only the track designated within the specified limits. This train must not
allow a train following on the same track to pass, unless the train dispatcher
instructs it to pass.
Section 2
2.1 Track Warrant Requests An employee who requests a track warrant must
inform the train dispatcher what movements will be made and, when necessary,
which tracks will be used and how much time is required.
2.2 Copying Track Warrants The conductor and the engineer must have a copy
of the track warrant issued to their train, and each crew member must read and
understand it. The copy must show the date, location, and name of the employee
who copied it. The following must occur when transmitted verbally:
A. Transmitting Track Warrants.
- An employee will enter all of the information and instructions on the track warrant.
- The employee will repeat the information to the train dispatcher.
- The train dispatcher will check it and, if correct, will say "OK" and give the time and his initials.
- The employee will enter the "OK" time and the train dispatcher's initials on the track warrant and repeat them to the train dispatcher. B. In Effect
The track warrant is not in effect until the "OK" time is shown on it.
If the track warrant restricts movement or previously granted authority, it
cannot be considered in effect by the train dispatcher until acknowledgment of
the "OK" has been received. Employees may relay track warrants.
2.3 Track Warrant in Effect A track warrant is in effect until a crew
member reports the train has cleared the limits, or the track warrant is made
void. The crew member must inform the train dispatcher when the train has
cleared the limits.
Time Limit Shown
If the track warrant shows a time limit, the train must clear the limits by the
time specified, unless another track warrant is obtained. If the crew members
cannot contact the train dispatcher and time limits expire, authority is
extended until the train dispatcher can be contacted.
2.4 Changing Track Warrants Employees must not add to or alter the
track warrant in any manner, except as specified by Rule 15.1.1 (Changing
Address of Track Warrants or Track Bulletins).
When the limits or instructions of a track warrant must be changed, a new track
warrant must be issued showing, "Track Warrant NO.____________ is
void" and the number of the track warrant being changed. When a track
warrant of a previous date is voided, the date must be included. The previous
track warrant will no longer be in effect.
2.5 Voiding Track Warrants A crew member must write "VOID"
across each copy of the track warrant when the train has reported clear of the
limits or the track warrant has been made void.
2.6 Mechanical Transmission of Track Warrants. Repetition is not
required when track warrants are transmitted mechanically. The "OK"
time will be given when the track warrant is issued. The space for the name of
the copying employee may be left blank.
Track warrants that restrict the authority or movement of a train must not be
transmitted mechanically, unless the train being restricted will not leave the
point without receiving the track warrant.
Section 3
3.1 Annulling an order
(1) Order (Clearance) No 10 is annulled
Annulling a schedule or section(1)
No I due to leave A Feb 29 is annulled A to Z
(2) Second 5 due to /eave E Feb 29 is annulled Eto G
(3) No 401 due to leave E Feb 29 is annulled E to Z
(4) No 401 due to leave A Feb 29 has arrived at E and is annulled E to Z
Annulling part of an order
1) That part of order No 10 reading No I meet No 2 at S is annulled
(2) That part of order No 72 reading No 3 pas$ No I at S is annulled
(1) No I meef No 2 at C instead of B3.9 Temporary speed restriction do not exceed speed limit Do not exceed - MPH between and
3.3 Directing a train to occupy main line. Eng 99 run extra A to F Extra trains
(1) Eng 99 run extra A to F
(2) Eng 77 run extra leaving A on Thursday Feb 17 as follows with right over
all trains
Leave A 1730 pm
C 1225 am E 147 am Arrive F 222 am
This order may be varied by specifying the particular trains over which the
extra shall or shall not have right.
3.4 Fixing meeting points for opposing trains
(2) Extra 652 east meet Extra 231 west and Extra 235 west at B Extra 652
east take siding
The trains named in such orders will meet at the designated points in the
manner prescribed by the rules.
3.5 Directing a train to pass or run ahead of another train
No 253 pass No 3 at K
No. 253 is authorized to pass No. 3 at K and to run ahead of No. 3 from K.
Unless otherwise provided, the train to be passed will take siding.
(2) Extra 194 east run ahead of No 6 M to B Extra 194 east may run ahead
of No. 6 between the designated points.
(2) (1) No I has right over No 3 A to Z
3.4 Time orders (run late or wait until)
(1) No 2 wait at H untit 959 am for No 61
No. 2 must not leave H until 959 am unless No. 61 has arrived.
No. 61 must be clear of main track at H at 954 am.
If No. 61 cannot go to H for No. 2 and clear the main track according to rule,
No. 61 must be clear of main track at 954 am at any station before reaching H,
where the schedule time is earlier than 959 am.
3.5 F – Sections
Eng 25 display signals and run as First I A to Z
To be used when the engine number for which signals are displayed is not known,
and is to be followed by example (2).
(2) Eng 20 run as Second I A to Z
(3) Second I display signals B to Z for Eng 99
(4) Engs 20, 25 and 99 run as First, Second and Third I A to Z
.(5) Engs 25 and 99 reverse positions as Second and Third I H to Z
Following sections, if any, need not be given copies of this order.
Each section affected by the above examples must have copies and arrange
signals accordingly.
3.6 Work extra trains
(1) Eng 292 works extra 645 am until 545 pm between D and E
(2) On Feb 17 Eng 292 works extra 645 am until 545 pm between D and E
Example (2) to be used to authorize a work extra in advance and may specify
more than one date.
In examples (1) and (2), the work extra must clear the time of regular trains
and, whether standing or moving, flag protection must be provided against extra
trains in both directions.
Examples (1) and (2) may be modified by adding:
(A) Not protecting against eastward extra trains
Flag protection against westward extra trains must be provided.
(B) Not protecting against extra trains
Flag protection against extra trains is not required.
(C) Not profecting against extra trains except protects against Extra 76 west
after 310 pm
The work extra must provide flag protection against Extra 76 west at 310 pm.
Flag protection against other extra trains is not required. Extra 76 west must
not enter the working limits before 310 pm.
(3) Work Extra 292 clears (or protects against) Extra 76 west between D and E
after 270 pm
Example (3) to be used when a work extra has been instructed by train order to
not protect against extra trains and it is desired to have it clear, or protect
against a designated extra train after a specified time.
Extra 76 west must not enter the working limits before 210 pm and will then run
expecting to find the work extra clear of the main track, or protecting
itself, as the order requires.
(4) Work Extra 292 protects against No 55 (or lass trains) between D and E
The work extra may work upon the time of the train or trains mentioned and must
provide flag protection against such train or trains. The regular train or
trains receiving the order will run expecting to find the work extra protecting
(5) Work Extra 292 has right over all trains between D and E 715 pm until 1 1 5
(6) Work Extra 292 has right over all trains on track (or tracks) between D and E 715 pm untit I 1 5 am
These examples give the work extra exclusive right on the track or tracks
mentioned between D and E from 715 pm until 115 am.
(7) Eng 292 works extra on eastward track (or both tracks) 645 am until 545 pm
between D and E
The work extra must clear the time of regular trains, and, whether standing or
moving, must provide flag protection against extra trains moving with the
current of traffic.
Example (7) may be modified by adding:
(A) Not protecting against eastward extra trains Flag protection against
eastward extra trains
is not required.
(B) Not protecting against extra trains
Flag protection against extra trains is not required.
(8) Work Extra 292 clears Extra 76 west (or No 15) on eastward track between D
and E after 210 pm Extra 76 west (or No 15) moving against fhe current of
traffic D to E
Example (8) to be used in addition to Form D-R train order when it is desired
to move a train against the current of traffic within the working limits. Extra
76 west or No. 15 must not leave D before 210 pm. Work Extra 292 must be clear
of the eastward track at 210 pm.
Examples (1), (2) and (7) do not authorize the work extra to occupy the main
track between switches of the siding at either of the stations named.
A copy of the work order must be given to extra trains operated within the
working limits.
When the order indicates that the work extra is protecting against other
trains, such trains will run expecting to find the work extra providing flag
When the order instructs the work extra to not protect against extra trains, such
extra trains must provide flag protection against the work extra.
Work extras must give way to all trains as promptly as possible.
3.7 Holding orderHOLDING ORDER
(1) Hold No 2
(2) Hold all (or eastward) trains
When a train has been so held it must not proceed until the order to hold is
annulled, or an order is received in the form:
No 2 may go
3.8 X - Temporary speed restrictions (post 1960's)
(1) (2) Do not exceed - MPH on No - track between andThese examples may be modified by adding location of condition by mile posts, or time as,
"801 am until 501 pm."
3.10 - Change in train register requirements
(1) will not (register) or (require a clearance) at C
(2) will not require a clearance at C if train order signal indicates proceed
(3) will register at C by register ticket
(4) Extra 37 west register at C on order No
(5) Extra 38 east may check register at C against Extra 37 west on order No
(6) No 2 may check register at C against Extra 37 west on order No
Examples (1), (2) and (3) must be used when it is desired to modify register or
clearance requirements.
(1) Men and equipment on and All trains on these limits at reduced speed
(not exceeding
@PH) unless a dimerent speed is verbally authorized by employee in charge or
entire train has possed a green flag
(1) Eastward extra trains between H and B except Extra 77 east wait at H untit
410 pm
200. For movements requiring their use, train orders will be issued by the
authority and over the signature of the Superintendent and contain only
information or instructions essential to such movements.
Train orders must be brief and clear in their meaning and in the prescribed
forms when applicable.
201. Train orders once in effect continue so until fulfilled, superseded or
annulled. Any part of an order specifying a particular movement may be
superseded or annulled.
202. Train orders must show number, date of issue and name of station where
copied. Each train order must be given in the same words to all employees or
trains addressed without erasure, alteration or interlineation. Additions to
train orders must not be made after they have been repeated.
203. Train orders must be addressed to those who are to execute them. Those for
a train must be addressed to the conductor and engineer, and also to anyone
acting as its pilot. Those for a yard engine will be addressed to the
yardmaster or to the conductor and engineer.
204. In train orders and clearances, regular trains will be designated by
numbers as "No 10" and sections as "Second 10", adding
engine numbers in train orders if practicable. Extra trains, except work
extras, will be designated by engine numbers and the direction as "Extra
798 east". Work extras will be designated by engine numbers, as
"Work Extra 798".
For the movement of an engine of another company, the initials or the
designated name will precede the engine number.
When two or more engines are coupled, the number of the leading engine only
will be used in train orders. When helper engines or other engines are placed
on the head end of a train over a portion of a subdivision, the road engine
number will be used.
In transmitting a train order of a previous date, the operator must be
advised of the date of issue and when such order is made complete, the train
dispatcher and operator must record the date completed following the "Complete"
210. When an error is made in transmitting a train order and before it has been
repeated, all copies of that order must be immediately destroyed, the order
marked "void" in the train order book, and if reissued, given another
number. If a train order in which an error has been made has been repeated,
that order must be annulled.
212. Even hours as "7 00 a m" must not be used in stating time in
train orders.
In transmitting and repeating train orders by telegraph, time will be stated in
figures only.
In transmitting and repeating train orders by voice, time and all other
numerals must be pronounced first, followed by pronouncing each figure, except
where the number is but one figure, it must be pronounced first, then spelled.
The names of stations, sections and direction must be pronounced then spelled.
In train order books and on train orders, time and other numerals will be
written in figures only, letters duplicating names of stations, sections and
direction will not be written.
213. A legible copy of each train order must be furnished for each employee
addressed unless the order is annulled by a train order addressed to the
When a train is named in a train order by its schedule number alone, all
sections of that schedule are included, and copies of the order must be
delivered to each section.
When a train has more than one engine in service, or when an engine is added
between terminals, a copy of all train orders and clearances affecting their
movement must be furnished to each engineer.
214. Train orders must be read promptly upon receipt by those to whom they are
addressed. Conductors must, when practicable, obtain from engineers an
understanding of all train orders before they are acted upon. Conductors must,
when practicable, show train orders to trainmen. Engineers must show train
orders to members of the crew on the engine.
When a conductor or engineer, or both, is relieved before completion of a trip,
all train orders, clearances and instructions held by them must be delivered to
the relieving conductor or engineer. Such train Orders, clearances and
instructions must be compared by the relieving conductor and engineer before
215. Except at initial stations, a train order must not be issued for a train
at the point where its movement iS restricted for an opposing movement if it
can be avoided. When so sent, except at initial stations, the fact must be
stated in the order, thus: "(train) gets this order at (station)".
The train being restricted must be brought to a stop before the train dispatcher
OK's the clearance and special precautions must be taken to insure safety.
When time in a wait order at that station expires before arrival of the
restricted train, train dispatcher may OK clearance and train order may be
delivered without stopping train.
A train advanced to a station where the opposing train receives the order must
approach that station expecting to find the train receiving the order on the
main track, and, where conditions require, the train advanced must protect
against the opposing train as prescribed by Rule 99.
216. Under the following circumstances an operator must not be permitted to
repeat a train order or give the "X" response to a train order
restricting the movement of a train until he has obtained the signature of the
conductor and engineer to the order:
When the engine of the train being restricted has passed the train order signal
displaying a proceed indication;
When the train being restricted has received a clearance at that station;
When a work extra is to be restricted after having received its work order.
217. A train order to be delivered to a train at a point not a train order
office, or at which the office is closed, must be addressed to "C&E
(at) (between) care of ___________ and forwarded and delivered with clearance
by the person in whose care it is addressed, and who is responsible for its delivery.
When delivery is to be made by conductor or engineer of another train, the
numbers of such orders must be shown in the usual manner on clearance of the
train making the delivery and both conductor and engineer supplied with copies.
If necessary, train must be stopped to effect delivery.
220. A train must receive a clearance before leaving a station where train
orders are delivered to it.
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