0.1.2 Shafer's Layout Design Guidelines

In the August 1986 Prototype Modeler magazine Mike Schafer identified a suggested methodology for layout design (he called it track planning) that he used when he was stumped trying to design his layout, a prototype layout based on the Peoria & Pekin Union Railway. That methodology assisted him in focusing on what he wanted to achieve on his layout.

Mike had a pretty good idea what he wanted to model based on his experiences with prototype railroading and his modeling experience. Using that experience he created  the following checklist to help him develop his model railroad.

1. Determine what (railroad segment) you are going to duplicate, imitate or 'imaginate' being somewhat specific.

2. List the highlights of the particular railroad or portion of railroad you are modeling. (Pay most attention to traffic preferences and set priorities.

3. Determine what era(s) you want to model.

4. Sketch a straight line schematic of the railroad or section of railroad you intend to model.

5. Determine which basic layout operating format (such as point to loop) can be applied to what (traffic flows and types) you are going to model.

6. Determine if a staging yard(s) would enhance prototype operation.

7. Do several schematics of track plan possibilities, including staging yards.

8. Then start your track plans.

If you are looking to model a prototype railroad, Mike's checklist is a great start. If you are modeling a freelance Prototype, it's a great checklist to check your doodling and thought process. I did!


Shafer, Mike, ed., RAILROADS YOU CAN MODEL, 1975

Shafer, Mike, ed., MORE RAILROADS YOU CAN MODEL, 1978

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